Thursday, March 8, 2012

Western Washington

The record.

I want to record a short record (5 songs?) Each song would be about a particular city, and the experiences I have with said city.

Longview, Seattle, Bellingham, Long Beach, Kalama, Woodland?

The first three for sure, while the others are kind of up in the air. Hell, back in 11th grade I wrote this sweet pop punk song about Kelso, (well about girls, but whatever)

It sounded like Fall out Boy and was awesome.

I'm breaking out the recording device tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I'm sitting...

In Fusion Bubble Tea at a window table. It's a beautiful day, and I am slowly chipping away at the base of Mount Homework. (Consider this homework, it is writing right?) Only a few more weeks, and then the quarter will be over! One step closer to being Garrett: Associate of Economics.

I can't wait for the day when somebody is walking down the street, stops, and goes "quickly, somebody tell me about supply curves!"

I will be all over that.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blog, Sweet Blog

Hello World,

I've decided to start a blog (again). I've blogged to varying degrees of success before, but never really got any enjoyment out of it. I would type stuff out onto a page and then ask myself, "Who cares? Why the hell am I writing this crap?"

Why am I writing this crap?

I can only ball park an answer, which I believe is that I need to tell a story, not necessarily to an audience, but for my own personal benefit.

An anecdote: Lately I've been listening to gangster rap, which isn't normally what I spin. While listening to this crazy stories about growing up in the hood and all that, I realize that I have thus huge craving for story telling. Listening, reading, seeing... I love them all, and I guess I'd like to try my hand at story telling.

Here's to stories!